Like all new parents I had this whole parenting thing planned out in my head. Avery would be sleeping through the night by six months, he would be able to clean his room and dress himself by 10 months and would be able to make his own dinner (and mine) by the age of 1. **Sound familiar? […]
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vitamin water
yogurt marinated chicken brochettes
Hi friends, Are you enjoying your weekend so far? Any big plans? Or just kicking back and relaxing? Hopefully the spring weather has made it to your neck of the woods and the snow is finally gone. We spent Saturday at home doing all the spring cleaning that one adult can do with a four year […]
dark chocolate and raspberry brownies
Raspberry brownies!!! Uh-uh-huh-uh-uh!! (imagine that’s me doing the happy dance with a raspberry brownie in my hand!!) So I made these like so very long ago. Waaaaay before school started and sometime early this past summer. But then I had to make them another two times because before I could get a picture taken of the […]